Top 6 traditional wedding aspects that reinvented itself with modernity!

traditional wedding aspects that reinvented itself with modernity

Top 6 traditional wedding aspects that reinvented itself with modernity!

Going down the centuries with trailblazing changes, the Indian wedding industry has undergone consequential evolutions. There is a huge contrast in the ways our parents and grandparents got married and the marriage scene of today. The wedding rituals set free from the pre-set notions too fast to emerge and blossom into a phantasmagorical experience.

The millennial couples enjoy their wedding day with a creative blend of modernity and old-world charm. While the rituals of the bygone era are non-bargaining sometimes, the new transitions are making it so much more interesting. Breaking the cliché wedding aspects, the industry is progressing realistically towards a new way of celebration! Here’s us looking into such traditional wedding aspects that reinvented itself with modernity.

Favours have replaced the traditional mithaai dabbas

wedding traditional aspects

Haven’t mithaai dabbas been the most non-negotiable preparations for the wedding guests since forever? Grandmoms and dads have been always very particular about that Kaju ki barfi and Motichoor making it to the Dabba. But the good old mithaais have been replaced by the new age favours. And by that, we mean NEW AGE Favours. Trends have it that mehendi ceremonies and haldi ceremonies are accompanied by miniature alcohol shots, DIY haldi tubes, coffee packages, chocolates, macarons, cupcakes etc as a special gesture of love. On a large scale, the wedding favours have become a thing for the guests to enjoy their time attending the wedding.

The edge new invitation styles

traditional wedding aspects

Wedding invites have surpassed the level of creatives put into the old style wedding cards. Today the wedding invites are sent by way of quirky printables, website links, assorted wedding favours, personalized boxes and more. Assimilating small treasures to make the un-boxing exciting the wedding invites have turned into edible indulgences, keepsake treasures and stylish gifts for the guests to connect with the wedding. Expect artisan honey jars, plant pots, granola bars, cookies, champagne bottles and quirky wedding invites.

Say bye-bye to thousands of guests

traditional wedding aspects that rehashed with time

Of course, nothing defies the magic of a big fat Indian wedding, and it shall stay but we have made it into the time when intimate weddings are for real. Families travel through exciting destinations to arrange for close-knit wedding affair comprising of only the loved ones. With the limited number of guests making it to the list for the isolated wedding destinations, weddings are turning more intimate and personal.


Traditional wedding aspects that reinvented itself with modernity


From shy to social: The millennial bride

wedding traditional aspects

The time has come when the brides embrace their D-Day with elan quirking away with their dance, statement attires and free-spirited indulgence. The stereotypical image of brides adorning their beauty reserved nature and shyness has been broken by the progressive millennial brides who are sassy, fun and into the moment. The era is here when the brides don’t shy away from riding a bike on their own baraat. Fun, eh!

A personal take on the celebration

wedding traditional aspects

Rather than going all rosy and marigold, couples are personalizing their wedding décor, food and jewellery as per their choice. With macarons and cupcakes making it to the food menu, caricatures of couples displayed with the décor and music videos released on the Sangeet night – the ceremonies are becoming a personal celebration. And everything is customized to make the most special day of the couples a memorable one.

‘Saat Pheras’ aren’t the only vows today!

traditional wedding aspects

The eternal vows taken by the couples during their saat pheras has been the essence of Indian marriages. But today, the sacred vows have been replaced by practical promises making their relationship stronger. There are vows taken to summarize the relationship of couples during modern times like supporting each other equally, dividing responsibilities, keeping the relationship honest always or even about not being angry at each other. With personalized vows couples the couples are redefining modern marriages.

From ditching the traditional attires with new hues of bridal couture to cocktail parties and personalized vows, the Indian weddings traditions have taken a long journey to make way for the new age couples to celebrate their love. And as long as these changing aspects of weddings bring a smile on the face of two souls who are deeply in love – change is good!

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